Friday, November 9, 2018

The Power of a Parent's Blessing

1. Create a culture of blessing in your family and in your community by blessing your friends, neighbours and coworkers
2. If you are married, make a regular habit of praying together as a couple daily and speaking a blessing over each other.
3. Receive ministry to be healed of past cursing of identity
4. Begin to separate identify from behaviour when relating to and disciplining your children.
5. Develop a regular habit of having a Sabbath meal together as a family once a week.
6. Consider becoming a change agent by inviting one other family to dinner on your family blessing night
7. Embrace and use the power of blessing at the 7 critical stages of life

  • Conception
  • Time in the womb
  • At birth
  • During infancy and early childhood
  • At puberty and release them into their adult identities
  • Bless your children at the time of their marriage
  • Bless your parents in their older age