Bought this book when I was in USA on my book spree. Books were amazingly cheap, below $10 from Amazon. This is why I needed the help of friends to lug everything home. But I think sometimes I like the idea of owning a particular book, more then reading it. And this book was bought, as an introduction into reading the works of Ravi Zacharias, a well known apologists. It has been left on my shelf untouched for awhile as I guess, it was not the season. Interestingly enough, he has a slot on the radio channel that I listen to in the mornings and I have heard him speak. I had taken his book out again, in a bid to read something more wholesome but not much progress was made until I was asked recently on how do you find/know your calling in life? And I think it does come in handy.. skimmed through it to give my friend some food for thought but I should probably read it in detail.. considering that the questions are probably relevant now for this season.
- Your DNA Matters
- Your Disappointment Matters
- Your Calling Matters
- Your Morality Matters
- Your Spirituality Matters
- Your Will Matters
- Your Worship Matters
- Your Destiny Matters